Michael Harper Vocal Workshop

  • Saturday | 27.03.10
  • 10.00am
  • Band on the Wall, Manchester
  • £17.00.


Times 10.00am-4.00pm

Venue; the Picturehouse at Band on the Wall

Breath, Voice, Song.

A great opportunity to work with one of the most inspirational and acclaimed vocal leaders in the country. This whole day workshop will improve understanding of the voice and how to get it to do the things you want. The day will comprise physical and vocal warm-ups that connect the breath to the voice then to singing and expression. Learning will be fun and the singing easy.

This workshop is open to all, no experience required. Just bring yourself, your voice and an open heart.

With roots in the African-American tradition Michael is a concert and opera singer and director . He has worked with Sing Up and Youth Music as a consultant and trainer and is a leading light of the Natural Voice Network.

“Wonderful! Really great to work with a singer with such physical and vocal presence and great songs too”

“Very high quality presentations – most impressive and great fun!”

This event is supported by SING-UP and MUSICLEADER NORTHWEST.




Audience: 0