Saturday Morning Music Clubs from Band on the Wall
World of Music Journeys: Discovery Club (ages 8-12)
From 9.30am
World of Music Journeys: Young Musicians Club (ages 11+)
From 10.15am
Stand-alone instrument Classes also available
Join our fun and inclusive music learning adventure!
Play instruments, sing, dance, and meet professional musicians from many cultures. Try different instruments like the violin and the tabla, take lessons in keyboard and tin whistle, and bring your own instruments from home to develop in an ensemble.
No previous music skills are needed, all welcome.
Winter Season 2021 (6 sessions)
When: November: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th. December: 4th, 11th
Where: Halle at St Michaels, George Leigh Street, Ancoats
Journeys: Discovery Club (ages 8-12)
9.30am-10am: Instrument Classes
10am-11.15am: Main ensemble – Singing, dancing, and playing together, with guest artists once per season (includes breaks)
Journeys: Young Musicians Club (ages 11+)
10.15am–11am: Instrument Classes
11am-12pm: Main ensemble – Singing and playing together, with guest artists once per season (includes breaks)
Cost: £4 per week, full bursaries available (please enquire about instrument class only prices).
To register, email