Join us for a family friendly celebration of music and cultures from all over the world!
There’ll be live performances from Baina, Brass Beat Collective, E & I Collective and Sens Sagna, as well as some DJ sets throughout the day. To accompany the live music, we’ll be hosting a variety of workshops (think African drumming, clog dancing, and songwriting), movement classes for babies and toddlers, and an exhibition from our poster archive.
Not only that, but here at Band on the Wall we’ve been busy hosting weekly learning programmes and workshops. Today, both our Golden Voices Choir (50+) and the Folk and World Choir (16+) will be stepping onto our bar stage to show you exactly what we’ve been up to.
And – most importantly! – there will be free pizza. So come down and say hi!
Workshop Schedule:
12:00-14:00 – Early Years workshop with Jolanta Livesey:
Come join Jolanta’s drop-in session for babies, toddlers and younger children! We’ll be exploring the joy of music through song, dance and musical instruments – as well as playing an interactive music, movement, and storytelling activity with M. Rosen’s ‘We Are Going on a Bear Hunt’.
13:30-15:30 – Telling Our Stories Through Song with Abigail Cameron-Laker:
Ever wanted to wax poetic but not known where to begin? Abigail can help you! She’ll be hosting a song-writing session exploring the art of lyric-writing. Open to all ages, and though it’s encouraged to bring your instruments if you have them – no previous musical experience is necessary!
14:00-15:00 – Dance Workshop with Sens Sagna:
Professional Senegalese dancer, songwriter, storyteller, choreographer and performer Sens Sagna will be presenting a lively and active dance workshop in our main venue! Sens performs and teaches both choreographed and freestyle dance to rhythms from Jolla, Mandinka and Olof cultures – open to all ages and abilities!
15:00-17:00 – Drumming Workshop with Sens Sagna:
Ready to make some noise? Sens Sagna will also be offering an energetic and endlessly fun drum class! The aim is to encourage wellbeing and unity, as well as celebrating different cultures in a safe, supportive and inclusive manner. Dancing, drumming and keeping fit is for everybody – so everyone is more than welcome!
15:00-17:00 – Clog Dancing with Bridget Slater and Sarah Davenport.
Our wonderful World of Music Journeys tutors Bridget and Sarah will be demonstrating the art of clog dancing with three half-hour sessions. Come celebrate the joy of folk music and dance, all ages and abilities welcome!
Bar Schedule:
14:00-14:30 – Golden Voices
14:45-15:15 – Folk and World Choir
15:00-17:00 – Jonah Baldwin DJ Extravaganza
17:00-21:00 – La Presidenta b2b Dr Cookie
Venue Schedule:
15:00-16:00 – E & I Collective
16:30-17:30 – Baiana
18:00 -20:00 – Brass Beats Collective
20:30-21:30 – Sens Sagna