Michael Messer & Ed Genis

  • Tuesday | 25.05.10
  • 7.30pm
  • Band on the Wall, Manchester
  • £12.50 Gene...

Due to sudden and unforseen illness Louisiana Red has been replaced by Ed Genis who joins Michael Messer – one of the world’s greatest blues slide guitarists at Band on the Wall. A sensational night of pure and blissful music.

Michael Messer was born in  Middlesex in 1956, and is recognised as one of
the leading slide guitarists and blues innovators around the world.  His playing encompasses the entire history of the blues, but is uniquely contemporary and highly individual.  Being an English bluesman with an international reputation for slide guitar is a rarity in itself and Messer’s obsessive appetite for knowledge of his art is virtually unrivalled. The American magazine, Spirit listed Michael as one of the greatest slide guitarists ever alongside Duane Allman and Ry Cooder

Due to sudden illness Louisiana Red has had to sadly fly back to the States for hospital teatment but we are delighted to announce Michael Messer wishes to still play at the venue with long-time collaborator and internationally-acclaimed guitarist Ed Genis. Michael Messer and Ed Genis first started playing music together in 1983. Since then they have worked on many albums together and toured extensively throughout the United Kingdom, Europe & Canada. Both as a duo and in a band format they have played at numerous festivals, theatres, clubs & TV shows. 

Heavily rooted in Mississippi Delta & Chicago blues, this duo explores many different areas of roots and world musical styles. These days Michael Messer & Ed Genis concerts feature a range of material developed over twenty five years of playing music together. This is a very relaxed “unplugged” kind of performance that includes songs from all Michael Messer’s albums.

This seated concert will begin at 8pm