Journeys: Young Musician’s Club

  • Saturday | 16.09.23
  • 10.15am
  • Band on the Wall, Manchester

Email Alice McIlwraith, our Learning Programme Manager, for info and to join this course.

Join our fun and inclusive music learning adventure!
Play instruments, sing, dance, and work with professional musicians from many cultures! Try different instruments like the violin and guitar, take lessons in tin whistle, and bring in your own instruments from home to develop into an ensemble.
Young Musician’s Club (ages 11+) 10:15am-12:00pm
Young Musician’s Club is a space for young people aged 11+ to share musical ideas, play in an ensemble and develop their improvisational and song writing skills. Bring in your own instruments or try your hand at something new! You don’t need to be able to read music, all songs are learnt by ear.

£4 per session. Full bursaries available.

Artists on stage: 10.15am
Curfew: 12.00pm
Stage: WOM 2