Jacky Terrasson

  • Thursday | 18.07.24
  • 7.30pm
  • Band on the Wall, Manchester
  • £23 EB / £25 Ad...

Playing Band on the Wall for his only UK show, Jacky Terrasson is on tour celebrating the release of his latest album ‘Moving On’.

Described as ‘one of the thirty artists poised to shape the trajectory of American culture in the following three decades’ in The New York Times in 1994, Terrasson has gone on to become the most widely heard French jazz musicans online.

Line up:

Jacky Terrason – piano

Lukmil Perez – drums http://www.lukmilperez.com/

Silvain Romano – bass https://theatredelusine-saintcere.com/artistes/1038/sylvain-romano/

Bar open: 6.00pm
Artists on stage: 8.00pm
Curfew: 11.00pm
Stage: The Venue
Audience: Unreserved Seating plus Ltd Standing