John Blaylock is known for heartfelt songs and a powerful, unique voice. Blaylock has written songs all his life, and has worked relentlessly for the past two years with some of the world’s greatest songwriters from Stockholm, London, New York, Nashville and Los Angeles.
Joining the bill for this show is Lazy Charlotte, Cosmic Shambles plus a special guest appearance from You62, a band formed by young musical patients at the Christie Hospital.
Lazy Charlotte are a Manchester alternative rock and roll band. The band had huge success with their first EP ‘I am the enemy’ with all EPs produced selling out within a week.
Cosmic Shambles is the latest artist to be belched from the musical smog of Burgess’ Manchester, straddling across the spectrum from the whimsical psychedelia of late 60s London, to the guttural depths of 90s Seattle.
This is a standing show. Presented by Blaylock.