Awesome Tapes + Me Gusta Afro-dance showcase

  • Friday | 10.02.23
  • 10.00pm
  • Band on the Wall, Manchester
  • £8 Earlybird / �...

Since 2006, Brian Shimkovitz’s Awesome Tapes From Africa blog has been shedding light on obscure and wonderful sounds from across the continent. As a DJ he brings the blog to life with 2-3 hour sets blending folkloric pop, left-field dancefloor gems and hip-hop bangers. Traveling from club to festival to DIY space, Awesome Tapes DJ sets celebrate the music and musicians whose cassettes Shimkovitz has collected over the years. In 2011, ATFA developed into a critically acclaimed label, re-releasing records by African artists including Ata Kak, Dur-Dur Band, Hailu Mergia and Penny Penny. His DJ sets on twin tape decks explore deep, regional sounds using analog-anchored agility not heard or seen anywhere else.