Martin Sutton: Songwriting Weekend Course

  • 13.07.13 - 14.07.13
  • 10.00am
  • Band on the Wall, Manchester
  • Full: £60

This course is now full. To register your interest in future songwriting courses at Band on the Wall please email us HERE and ask to go on our Creative Learning mailing list.

Multi-platinum selling songwriter, publisher, coach, mentor and workshop leader Martin Sutton returns to Band on the Wall for a weekend of tutorials, workshops, collaborative writing, song critiques and performances.

“The course was great, and hearing you talk about the business with such heart and passion was the height of it for me… Thank you for sharing 🙂 and thank you too for giving so much encouragement…your energy is contagious and I shall tell every songwriter I meet to go on the course!” 

Following the high demand for Martin’s workshops at the last Wall of Sounds Conference we have put together an intensive two day course devoted to the art of songwriting. Each day will include group tutorials, collaborative small group work, critiquing and coaching masterclasses. Learn professional tips, tricks and ways get your songs out there from one of the UK’s leading and most sucessful writers.

A great opportunity for all songwriters, any age* and any style. If you are an experienced writer looking for industry advice or a beginner finding your way around song forms and lyric writing this weekender will have something to offer.

The weekend finishes with a special Sunday Sessions acoustic open mic night in the intimate surroundings of Picturehouse Bar with opportunities to trial and showcase your songs in a supportive and friendly environment.

Days: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th July 2013

Course Times: Saturday 10am-4pm. Sunday 10am-5pm.

Sunday Sessions starts at 6pm

Price: Full: £60 Conc: £45 MU Discount: £30

This course is supported by Musicians’ Union and BASCA (British Academy of Songwriters Composers & Authors)

* Under 16’s must be accompanied by a responsible adult.


Audience: 0