Solomon Grey, the London-based duo who recently released their cinematic new album Human Music, have announced a forthcoming film accompaniment to the deeply personal project. The LP began taking shape while vocalist Joe Wilson and his family were dealing with his mother’s terminal illness, and as such is one exploring loss, our freedom of choice and celebrating life. Wilson described what was ‘a strangely creative time’ in his moving article for Mail Online – a period during which the band also inked a new record deal and were assigned the task of composing music for BBC television series The Last Post.
Their soundtrack work has since garnered widespread acclaim and there’s stylistic crossover between that and their band production, however Wilson’s emotive songwriting and evocative vocals make Human Music an altogether different, yet equally rewarding listening experience. The Modern Record call the LP ‘Melancholic and poignant…full of memorable melodies and textures’, words we wholeheartedly agree with.
The band shared this footage of composer/producer Tom Kingston laying down a live minimoog pass to announce the forthcoming film and while its final form is unclear, we’re certain it will be an emotive and phenomenal-sounding piece.
The group’s latest music video for Wonderful World was directed by Niall O’Brien and ‘shows a brief glimpse into the lives of Blake and Dana living on Bascom Avenue, San Jose’. Diverting from the album’s chief thematic thread, it is however ‘a celebration of time together’ in the eyes of the group – something that ties it closely to Wilson’s experience with his mother.
Manchester-based songwriter and producer Shunya will support Solomon Grey on their Band on the Wall concert, having previously dazzled audiences with his diverse sound prior to performances by Riot Jazz, Hans Prya and Extra Love at the venue. A fiddle player with jazz, folk and electronic influences shaping his sound – the was recently selected for participation in Brighter Sound’s Three Cities international commission, a project that will place him in creative collaboration with artists based in Saint-Étienne and Berlin. Read more about the project here and watch Shunya’s recent live session at The Wood Rooms below. We’re confident his opening set will be a breathtaking experience and perfect introduction to a cinemascope musical experience.