Just announced: Sing City Summer 2015 & Sing City Writes Performances

Sing City Summer 2015

Starts 22 April / More Info / Free Entry


Sing City: Summer 2015

Sing City: opportunities for young vocalists and songwriters. Broaden skills, collaborate and perform. Learn to sing and harmonise, develop vocal skills and share ideas, write new music and of course make new friends. 

Our Sing City sessions continue to build, develop and nourish the talent of young people by incorporating regular performance opportunities into our programme. Sessions are led by a team of expert vocalists and music educators who all work professionally in the music industry, this fantastic team includes Sara Lowes (Solo artist and composer) and Yvonne Shelton (Gloria Estefan, Simply Red, George Michael).

At the end of every month, there is a Sing City Writes night where everybody comes together to perform live on stage, to an invited audience, at Band on the Wall. 

Sing City is open to young people aged 13 – 18.

Contact: sara@brightersound.com to enquire and book a place.

Day: Wednesday

Session Dates: April 22nd. May 6th, 13th, 20th. June 3rd, 10th, 17th. July 1st, 8th, 15th.

Sing City Writes performances: April 29th. June 24th.

Session Times: 6.00-8.00pm

Performance Times: 7.00-9.00pm

Venue: Band on the Wall Main Venue



Sing City Writes Summer 2015 (Performance)

29.04.15 / 18:30 / More Info / £2 on the door

24.06.15 / 18:30 / More Info / £2 on the door

‘Sing City Writes’ is the first under 18’s night at Band On The Wall. A perfect chance for all Sing City participants to showcase their material, both solo and collaborative in a brilliant venue in front of an invited audience of friends and family.

The night has successfully partnered up with other musical and creative projects from across Manchester to meet up and share a growing body of work. Likeminded young people are encouraged to work together and collaborate on new ideas, with key support from our team of professional musicians and practitioners. So far we have successfully shared the night with the wonderful PowerHouse Project , Z Arts Saturday Allsorts and The Whitworth Young Contemporaries . As well as special guest performances from Chris Royal (BBC’s The Voice) Lei Jennings and Young Manchester Band The Korsair.