Manchester’s Black Lights are a band that deliver deftly beautiful songs. Jamie McCool (vocals), Jack O Connor (guitar), Dave Weet (bass), Howard Eastwood (piano) and Josh Hussey (drums) are creating a stir around their home city. Having met at college, Jamie and Howard began writing together in 2010, then Jack, Dave, and Josh completed the line up. Their first EP, ‘Crossed The Line’, got things rolling wonderfully for a band just approaching their twenties.
Second EP ‘Four Walls’, released in 2014, is an indication that there is so much more to come. A collection of songs about betrayal, loss and love, McCool effortlessly opens his heart and soul while the band confidently resist the need to fill every second, not wasting a single note.
There’s a quiet confidence about Black Lights, not a laddish swagger seen in many of their contemporaries but an innate belief in the power of their music.
It’s a confidence that’s reflected not so quietly at live shows, as more and more fans attend and sing back at the group. They’ve already sold out some big venues so grab a ticket before this one does the same.